Friday, December 27, 2013

Health and The Holidays

    Hopefully everyone has been having a good time with family and really enjoying the holidays!
    I am spending the holidays with some of my family in Michigan, so I get to see snow for the first time in years. I truly forgot how it felt to be so cold, But I did miss having a white Christmas. To get here, we drove for 20 hours. Let me tell you, eating healthy and staying on track over the holidays is hard enough. Add having to drive all the way across the country, and it just gets harder.
     Here's what I managed. It wasn't perfect, but I'm proud of myself! 2 shakeology shakes, 1 green pepper, and 2 bags of snap beans. Those were the healthy choices, but then I ran out of healthy food and had taco bell with my family. Since I've been here, I've had at least 1 shake every day, but the rest of my food hasn't been very clean since I would of had to go grocery shopping to stock the house with healthy options, and I'll only be here for a week. So I've been sticking with the healthiest options, but also indulging in some of my favorite treats. With working out, I have been working out almost every day, with the exception of 2 at this point.
    Overall, I can say that I appreciate being home and having healthy living be so much easier. But I have loved my vacation here with my family, and am proud of my efforts. After all, the holidays are about family time and enjoying yourself. The fact that this has been the healthiest holiday season I've experienced, makes me happy. None of us are perfect, and this life may be hard sometimes, but it's the hard times that make us appreciate the good. So when I get home, I can enjoy my healthy lifestyle again. Happy Holidays everybody!!!

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